Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Disease 

Magnolia's of Lancaster is a Senior Living Center for residents diagnosed with varying degrees of dementia. They offer a Memory Care Program for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and dementia caused by blunt head trauma. I have the privilege of working there as a Resident Care Assistant assisting with ADL's and facilitating activities for the residents. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. These inspiring individuals who worked as teachers, nurses, and computer engineers have accomplished so many feats throughout their life but cannot remember their own success. My favorite part of my job is remembering it for them. Certain cues will help the residents remember parts of their life and it is so rewarding to see their faces light up as they relive one of their favorite moments. During our Christmas party this past year a resident who can barely speak was singing along perfectly with Jingle Bells. 

Of course there are many challenges associated with Alzheimer's Disease, one of them being the impact that the disease has on family members. It is heartbreaking to watch a resident have a conversation with their son or daughter without knowing who they are or how they know them. The devastating effects of the disease take a huge toll on family members. I found it inspiring that many of the managers and supervisors at Magnolia's of Lancaster had no previous professional experience with dementia or AD before they applied for the position but rather had personal experience with a parent or other family member who was diagnosed with AD. Individuals in the early stage of the disease are aware of what is happening to them and it terrifies them to witness other individuals suffering through the later stages. 

Similar to other mental illnesses, there was minimal amount of research done on AD until recently. Medication has been developed to slow the progression of the disease but there is a lack of scientific evidence for any preventive measures. As scientists develop a deeper understanding of the disease, they have started to make correlations between behaviors and have begun to identify protective factors and risk factors. 

The global prevalence of AD is estimated to be around 24 million and will continue to rise as the worldwide population continues to age. AD seems to be more prevalent in the United States compared to Africa, Asia and Europe which may have to do with methods of diagnosis. Some factors that are highly associated with AD include diabetes, smoking, hypertension and obesity. Education, increased leisure activity, a Mediterranean diet and more physical activity have been correlated with a decreased risk for AD. I find it incredible interesting that cognitive reserve can reduce an individuals risk for AD. Studies of "normal aging" indicate that higher educational or occupational attainment slow the progression of cognitive and functional decline. Although the etiology of AD remains unclear, Epidemiologists and Public Health professionals should be concerned with the genetic and environmental risk factors that may be associated with the disease. 

1 comment:

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